Animation - About
About Department
Name of the Department : Department of Animation
Year of Establishment : 2016
Name of Head of the Department : Dr. Anjali Sardesai
Name of UG Coordinator : Prof. Hari Pagire
Name of PG Coordinator : Prof. Anuja Gaikwad
Name of Research Coordinator : Prof. Shraddha Patil
Department of Animation is established in the Academic Year 2019-20 asa separate Department. Initially it was under the Department of Computer Science. The course run by the department is B.Sc. Animation which is 3 years degree course started by Savitribai Phule Pune University in the Academic Year 2012-13 and in Modern College in the year 2013-14. Since the first batch passed out of B.Sc. Animation, it’s a history to achieve 100% result till academic year 2018-19. Under autonomous status the department has started M.Sc. Animation course from the Academic Year 2020- 21. UGC NSDC has sanctioned B.Voc. Animator (3D Animation and VFX), 3 years degree course.
LMS (Learning Management System)
Academic Year 2019-20 is the first year of the college under autonomous status. Department of Animation has adopted highly professional Learning Management System for students and teachers initiated by the college. The effective use of LMS benefited to all teachers to improve their own working performance as well as guiding the staff members of other departments. All the exams, assessments and marks entries of F.Y.B.Sc. Animation throughout the year were carried out effectively using LMS.
Technical Support
The Department of Animation provides technical support to the various events and programs carried out throughout the year. This includes audio-visual presentation, live video coverage through the Modern Media Station Youtube channel and other technical assistance.

Salient Features of the Department
- Specious department, well equipped laboratories
- Chroma studio
- Sound recording studio
- Placement assistance provided
- M.Sc. Animation is the course offered only in Department of Animation under Savitribai Phule Pune University
- Higher Placement Percentage
- Higher percentage of result
- Stable, qualified, skilled and experienced staff members