Student Information Form

Personal Information

Name of the Student *

Attach your recent photograph *

Date of Birth *
Permanent Address *

Address for correspondence (if not same as permanent address)

Personal Phone Number *

Parent's Phone Number *

Personal Email *
Gender *
Blood Group *
Aadhar Card Number *

Category *
Minority Status
Do you belong to any of the categories below ? *
Residential Status *
Are you a student of PES Modern High School till Standard X ? *

Parent's Information

Father's Name *

Father's Phone Number *

Father's Educational Qualification *
Father's Occupation *
Is Father Alumnus of Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune 5? *
Mother's Name *

Mother's Phone Number *

Mother's Educational Qualification *
Mother's Occupation *
Is Mother Alumnus of Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune 5? *
Parent's Annual Income (Per Annam) (Combined) *

Student's Academic Information

In which year you seek admission to Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune 5? *
Permanent Registration Number (PRN) *

Roll Number *

Faculty *
Course / Class *
Course *
Class *
Specialisation / Subject *
Division *

Previous Examination Performance of the Student

Percentage in SSC Examination *

Please enter a value between 0 and 100.

Percentage in XI th Examination *

Please enter a value between 0 and 100.

Percentage in HSC Examination *

Please enter a value between 0 and 100.

Percentage in PG (Part 2) *

Please enter a value between 0 and 100.

Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities

Do you have Interest in Sports ? *
Which sports type you have played? *
At What Level You have Played? *
How many medals you have bagged till now? *
Do you have Interest in Cultural and Creative (Art Circle) Activities? *
In which Cultural and Creative Activities you have performed?
  • How many medal you have bagged till now in Cultural and Creative Activities?
    Are you NSS Volunteer?*
    Are you NCC Cadet?*
    How many workshops, Seminars have you attended till now?
    Give Details of your achievements (if any)

    Give Details of Scholarships you have received (if any)