Progressive Education Society is a reputed and distinguished educational institution in Maharashtra. Honourable, Late Shankarrao Kanitkar, along with his selfless dedicated team of teachers known for the highest moral values, laid the foundation of the Society on the auspicious day of ‘Akshay Tritiya’ on 16th May 1934 in Pune. P. E. Society has been making noteworthy progress for the last 80 years along with the noble path and principles laid down by the eminent predecessors such as Guruwarya Late S. R. Kanitkar, Late V. T. Tatke and Late M. G. Chaphekar, who were illustrious incarnations of ceaseless hard work and sacrifice. Late S. R. Kanitkar was ably assisted by Late V. T. Tatke, Late M. G. Chaphekar and Late Koparkar. Progressive Education Society is proud to possess the glowing tradition of these stalwarts.
The two remarkable words that appear in the names of the Society and its educational institutions are “Progressive” and “Modern”. The inclusion of these words was certainly with some noble intentions, which serves as a bright beacon for P. E. Society to follow with determination.
The two words viz. ‘Progressive’ and ‘Modern’ highlight the aims and objects of this reputed educational institution. ‘Progressive’ and ‘Modern’ were the terms used in 1934 by Late S. R. Kanitkar and his colleagues to demarcate the dreams and future road map of Progressive Education Society.
‘Progressive’ means keeping with the spirit of times and innovation while ‘Modern’ means Modern in outlook, up-to-date in all matters whether it is an academic, sports or cultural activities. It was resolved to use modern equipment and modern methodology to teach the students.
The aims and objectives of the Progressive Education Society as laid down in its Constitution are to impart generally to the rising generations of this country and particularly to the residents of Maharashtra, an efficient Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary, Higher Secondary and Collegiate education, embodying a literacy, scientific, technical, commercial and industrial training and the training of teachers by the establishment at Pune and other places in the Maharashtra State, as circumstances permit, of Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary, Higher Secondary Schools and Colleges or by such other means as may be most conducive to the attainment of the aims and objects of the Society.
For more information visit our website, www.pespune.com